What are organic food products, and why are they more expensive?


Food products in China are certified organic if their processing meets the Chinese regulatory requirements. Generally, Chinese regulations issue three tiers of certifications to compliant food products, with the organic certification being the most stringent.

“Organic” food products are those that do not use any synthesized pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives, or genetically modified products. Organic farming advocates keeping foods in their natural forms, and organic processing further requires traceability. As a result, organic food products have higher production, labor and management costs, yet result in lower output.

“Green” food products are those produced from good ecological environments and meet the relevant legal guidelines. Pesticides and fertilizers are allowed, but green food products permit fewer residues than non-polluted food products.

“Non-polluted” food products are unprocessed or minimally processed foods deprived from farming and processing conditions meeting the relevant legal requirements. While certain types of pesticides are prohibited due to their toxicity or residual levels, pesticides and fertilizers are generally permitted.

Organic food products are grown and processed without synthesized pesticides, and therefore contain no residues of those pesticides. Choosing organic food is a healthy and eco-friendly decision.

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